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This site stands in testament to the frustration and struggles that black and brown Hollywood endured in order to pave the way for the urban entertainment that we know today.  As there was a time when people of color were relegated to degrading roles in order to exist in the entertainment industry. Robert Townsend did more than his fair share to bring the unequal treatment to the forefront and to galvanize an entire subsect of the industry to aspire to better roles that would indirectly affect our communities and societies at large for generations to come.

His unwillingness to shuck and jive and to write and produce his own projects played a pivotal role in the way people of color would begin to appear in non-urban roles. People would go on to gain prominence as leads in movies and TV series instead of just as thugs, drug dealers, hookers, hired help, sassy sidekicks and all around sideshow clowns. The era of bugging eyes and over exaggerated blackcents were done. Or at least so we thought. It is this reason that we here at THS are determined to tell you stories that are not based on gossip and that do not reward the resurgence of negativity that has been permeating our urban media markets as well as the mainstream markets. We are on a mission to provide interesting entertainment journalism that does not harm but yet informs. It is a goal to edutain you and to tell the stories that we feel adhere’s to Mr. Townsend’s original vision for where black and brown entertainment could and should go. You’ve asked for it and we’ve heard you loud and clear.

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